
This guide will get you all set up and ready to use the BoiledSaaS Chrome Extension template. We'll cover everything you need to initialize and start customizing your application.

Clone the Repository

After purchasing your license you will automatically receive an email inviting you to the repository. The repository includes a chrome-extension folder as well as a webapp folder.

# Ensure you have git installed
git clone https://github.com/<private_repo> project_name
git remote remove origin
cd project_name

Configure Environments

This project includes a chrome extension with a web app to handle payments and authentication.

Run the following in a split terminal. To setup the chrome extension:

cd chrome-extension
npm install

To setup the webapp:

cd webapp
npm install

Environment Variables

  • webapp: rename .env.example to .env.local
  • chrome-extension: rename .env.example to .env

Configure Supabase

  1. Create a free Supabase Account.
  2. Navigate to [Project settings] [API] and locate the Project URL and Anonymous Key.
  3. Add these keys into the .env.local and .env files you created earlier.
  4. Navigate to getting-started/supabase.sql and copy and paste the script into the Supabase SQL Editor. This will create the neccessary database schema for the project.

Stripe Webhook

When a user signs up we need to trigger a webhook on our webapp to query Stripe, create and add a customerID to the users row in Supabase.

  1. In the Supabase Dashboard navigate to [Database] [Webhooks].
  2. Create a new hook called create-stripe-customer.
  3. It should be fired on INSERT events, on the public.users table. Do not use the auth.users table here.
  4. This should be a POST request to the following URL: https://<your-app-url>/api/stripe/create-stripe-customer. While in development make your localhost publicly accessible using Ngrok free.
  5. Finally for extra security we want to ensure the requests reaching our webhook are trusted. Add a HTTP Parameter called API_ROUTE_SECRET. Generate a random key here. Be sure to add the value to your webapps .env.local.
Supabase Stripe Webhook configuration

Configure Stripe

  1. Create a free Stripe Account.
  2. While in test mode navigate to Stripe Dashboard.
  3. Create an endpoint and set the project URL to: https://url-of-your-application/api/stripe/webhook.
  4. Add the following events: customer.subscription.deleted, invoice.paid, invoice.payment_failed
  5. Copy the Webhook Signing Secret key and the Stripe Secret Key then add it to your .env.local file.
  6. Add your products and pricing structure to your desire. The pricing section and payment gateways are generated from the webapp/config.ts file. Add the priceID for each product to this configuration.
  plans: [
      title: "Basic",
      currency: "$",
      price: "5",
      type: "month",
      description: "Ideal for small-size businesses to larger businesses",
      features: ["Everything in Basic", "100 Builds", "Progress Reports"],
      stripePrice: "price_XXXX",

Run Locally

Chrome Extension

  1. In the chrome extensions root directory run npm run dev. This will generate a dist folder.
  2. Navigate to chrome://extensions/.
  3. Select Load Unpacked and select the generated dist folder.
  4. Chrome will automatically track local changes in this folder once your run npm run dev so you don't need to keep uploading the package on every change.


The webapp needs to be running at the same time as the chrome extension so faciliate authentication and billing requests. To run this locally navigate to it's root directory then run, npm run dev.

Deploy to Production

Chrome Extension

  1. Create a Chrome Store Developer Account.
  2. Compress your dist folder. Note: some versions of macOS built in compression corrupts this step. If this happens to you use an online compressor like: Ezyzip.
  3. Upload the .zip folder to the developer dashboard and add the required media.


  1. Ensure you have filled out all the neccessary Enviornment Variables in .env.local.
  2. Disable 'test mode' in your Stripe Dashboard. Be sure to create the webhook and produces in 'live' mode.
  3. Copy the new Stripe priceIds, Secret Keys and Webhook key to your deploy enviornment which you can choose from below:

Deploying your application is easy and supported by a range of hosting providers. Check out these guides on the following:

What's next?

Great, now you're application is setup and running here are some helpful guides and tips to help you get more from your BoiledSaas boilerplate.